Newcastle Upon Tyne GAA club organised and hosted Newcastle’s first Darkness into Light Walk this year, raising money for Pieta House.

Pieta house is a charity based in Ireland which provides support to people experiencing thoughts of suicide, those who engage in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. Darkness Into Light is a 5km walk which started in Dublin, Ireland in 2009 and now over 200 official walks across Ireland and abroad take place each year. The walk provides an opportunity for people to connect with their local community and to bring hope to people who have been impacted by suicide. Pieta house is 85% funded by Darkness Into Light.

On the 5th May at 4.15am, 27 participants walked 10km from Whitley Bay to Tynemouth and back successfully raising £1,120. As a group we stopped on Tyenmouth beach and lit Chinese Lanterns, taking a few minutes to reflect and remember the loss of our loved ones or those affected by suicide and self-harm. Our goal for next year is to host an official event by Darkness Into Light at a bigger scale with more participants and more money raised.

As a club we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who took part and advertised the event. Keep your eyes peeled for next year.

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