Doors open 7pm Show 8pm
Back West make a welcome return to the festival following last year’s incredible show. Back West are the full Irish: a five-piece of young exponents, filled to the brim with the music and soul of the west of Ireland. Reared in the heart of Galway city and county, their music celebrates the historically and culturally rich environment in which they were nurtured as children.
Their stage show is a winning combination of traditional, sassy, modern, technically perfect and musically inspiring, delivered with tremendous and rampant energy. The highly regarded musical siblings, Maureen and Brendan Browne, on fiddle and accordion respectively, join bodhran sensation and multi-instrumentalist Yvonne Fahy on hand and foot percussion. Added to this mix is the incredible guitar accompaniment of Shane McGowan and this year they are joined by vocalist Fabian Joyce.