About Us

Tyneside Irish Cultural Society (TICS) was founded to champion Irish music and cultural events across Tyneside and the North East of England

Founded by Tony Corcoran in 1994 Tyneside Irish Cultural Society presents the very best of Irish culture to Tyneside audiences. We run events throughout the year including St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, and our annual Irish Festival now in its 37th year.

Through heritage and welfare projects, concerts, lectures and educational programmes TICS aims to introduce and bring together anyone with an enthusiasm for Irish arts & culture. TICS provides a significant platform for authentic Irish events, and ensures that the best of Irish creative talent is continually promoted here in the north.

The society is a company limited by guarantee; it is a not for profit organisation and the society is governed by a board of directors.

Latest News

Patrick Knight RIP

We are sad to report that Patrick passed away in the early hours of Monday the 17th of February. He was in end-of-life...

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Concerts, lectures, social events and more – we have a busy calendar.

Tyneside Irish Festival

The Tyneside Irish Festival is one of the highlights of our year, much loved by all.

Adult Education Classes

Our Book Group, Irish History and Irish Music classes have regular meetings, and all are welcome!

Our Cultural Projects


Raised On Songs & Stories (ROSS) is a convivial afternoon of live Irish music, singing and lunch with events throughout the North East.

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Find out all about our monthly newsletter, our free food parcels and our telephone hotline for welfare issues.

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Check out our Irish resources in our library and heritage centre and find out how you can get involved.

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An overview of our previous touring exhibition.

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Our Sponsors

Many thanks to our funders, without which we couldn’t operate

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