Irish Theatre presents
Bernard Shaw Invites You
with Paddy O’Keeffe as GBS
Celebrate the 90th birthday of the controversial George Bernard Shaw with this award winning play
When: Monday 17th October 2016
Show Begins: 7.30pm
Tickets: £8 / £6
Where: Alphabetti Theatre, The Basement of 16 New Bridge Street West
Newcastle upon Tyne
(Tip to find the entrance – look for the blue gates by the NCP car park entrance)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Playwright, orator, iconoclast, novelist, critic, essayist, politician, energetic self-publicist, controvertialist – George Bernard Shaw, as he styled himself, divides opinion today as he did in his lifetime.
In this award-winning show the man himself invites you to celebrate his 90th birthday on the 26th July 1946. However, his celebrations are rudely interrupted by Paddy O’Keeffe, an obsessive Shavian who is determined to discover the real Bernard Shaw.
Call the box office on 0191 261 5906 or
Click here for tickets