The London Irish Pensioners’ Choir and Theatre Group perform their very funny musical play ‘The Nuns Chorus’.
No tickets are available in advance and will be pay what you feel on the door.
The Irish Pensioners Choir brings together older Irish people, most of whom are in their 70s and 80s. They come from all over Ireland and have made their homes in London over many decades.
The choir has performed for audiences of tens of thousands including at London’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Trafalgar Square for several years, and as part of the Irish community choir in the Royal Albert Hall in honour of President Michael D Higgin’s state visit to Britain in 2014. They have sung on UK television, including for Sir Terry Wogan on ITV and on the BBC’s The One Show. They have performed on RTE Radio and Television and are regularly played by Donncha Ó Dúlaing on the very popular Fáilte Isteach (10 pm on Saturday evenings on RTÉ Radio 1.)
The choir recorded a beautiful album of old Irish songs, Songs of Love and Emigration, which has been very popular with the Irish community, young and old, here in London and back home in Ireland.
In the last year they recorded two songs and videos with the legendary Foster & Allen in an album that went into the Top Ten in the Irish folk charts. Click here to view the Irish Pensioners Choir with Foster & Allen singing Gold and Silver Days.