GAA is running a safeguarding course on the 23rd March. This is the final step in the
‘GAA 3 strands’ of child protection which is compulsory for anyone who wants to help
out with running Youth Gaelic football.
The registration system for the above course has been open for a good few weeks
now, but only one member has registered. Due to timescales dictated by Sports UK,
the closing date for registrations is the 8th March. This means that if we don’t have
the minimum of 10 members by Friday, the course will be cancelled and we will not have enough
volunteers to proceed with the summer plans for Gaelic football.
There’s a huge amount of organising going on behind the scenes right now by
@~Hughie Beag Cunningham to ensure an enjoyable summer of Gaelic football for
your children, but we need volunteers to help out.
The free safeguarding course will start at 9.30am on 23rd March 2024 at Tyneside
Irish Centre and lasts 2 hours.
All new volunteers should be attending face-to-face training but this course is also
aimed at those who need to renew an online renewal course. Certificates are valid
for three years and is a part of the safeguarding strands required to work with
underage in our community.
Please, if you’re interested in your children playing Gaelic football, or in helping out
coaching, then get registered and come down for a couple of hours on the 23rd.
Registrations are to be made via the link below: